NISA/3D-FLUID is a finite element analysis program capable of solving a wide range of 2D and 3D compressible and incompressible fluid flow and convective heat transfer problems. The compressible module supports: 3D inviscid fluid, 3D viscous fluid, chemically reacting multi-species fluids, advanced turbulent modeling. The incompressible flow capabilities include: steady state and transient flow, laminar and turbulent flow, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids, flow through porous media, rotating frame of reference, temperature dependent material properties, conjugate heat transfer analysis, forced and mixed convective heat transfer, surface radiation with view factor calculation, free surface flow, fluid-solid interaction, particle tracking. The boundary conditions can be periodic, in local coordinate system, temperature or time dependent. NISA/3D-FLUID provides output for a comprehensive review of results, including plots of velocity vector for both 2D and 3D flows, contour plots of pressure, velocity, density, Mack number, temperature.
Kant S. Kothawala, Ph.D.
President & CEO